Now that the City Council runoff is over, and Snellville citizens have spoken, it’s time to reflect. Some people are pleased and others are not. In our review of the candidates, Kerry Hetherington and Norman Carter stood out as being the best qualified and most focused on serving the best interests of all Snellville’s citizens. Our appraisal drew some negative comments from some readers. But it’s no surprise that none of those comments came from readers who listed their real names. We chose not to publish comments from people who chose to hide their identities. Social media allows anyone to say anything while hiding behind a keyboard or false identity. We welcome reader comments, but we’ll only publish those that are signed and verifiable.
Ultimately, both Hetherington and Carter won, and that is a definite positive for the future of Snellville. There are a number of reasons we found Catherine Hardrick the be undesirable. Her campaign was largely financed by groups that have not one bit of involvement in Snellville. Their motives are clear- to attempt to take over city councils and push their liberal or socialist agenda on the residents. For the past few elections, the Democrat party has created programs to get Democrats elected to city council seats throughout Georgia- in spite of the fact that these positions are non-partisan.
If you’re a Democrat, it’s understandable if you approve of these programs. But in so doing, you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot because the candidates who are supported by the “Get Democrats Elected” programs are almost always completely unqualified. The first question many of these candidates ask is how much do I get paid and how much work do I have to do? And invariably, after most of them lose, they are never heard from again- in spite of the fact that they campaigned on their deep desire to help make things better.
“Elect Black Women” is another group that supports candidates based on identity NOT qualifications. Hardrick expressed her happiness of being backed by this group on social media. It was no surprise that we found her claimed qualifications to be questionable at best and often not relevant to city government.
In future elections, you can expect to see more unqualified candidates backed by these and similar groups. Voters beware.
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