Joe Profit (a former Atlanta Falcon) is a candidate to represent Georgia’s 7th Congressional District. We recently came across his Facebook post which appears below. We think he makes a number of important points that everyone should consider.
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Have you read the Declaration of Independence lately? If you haven’t, click the link below and take a few minutes to read through it. A few things stand out, the first being the second line at the top of the page, “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America”. “Unanimous is the operative word- representative from all 13 of the original states joined together to achieve the goal of independence.
Next, read through and consider the list of grievances following the paragraph, “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”
The colonies declared independence to free their citizens from the control of an over-bearing monarch. As such, it seems ironic that after 243 years of freedom, the far left is now pushing for government control of almost every aspect of American lives. In a sense, socialism of any type, including democratic socialism, is akin to a monarchy. While a government controlled by elected officials might be more benevolent than one controlled by a monarch, the end result is the same- government is controlling virtually every aspect of your life. The founders of our nation fought against that. We should all continue that fight.
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