Barbara Bender
Today I am announcing that I will seek re-election as Snellville’s Mayor. I have been engaged and volunteering in Snellville for over 25 years and began serving on the City Council in 2005. In that time, I have gathered a wealth of experience and have brought my background as a CPA and common-sense business principles to the city to protect citizens by keeping taxes low and managing tax dollars efficiently. I have lived, worked and raised my family here and I love this community.
The city has made tremendous progress in the last few years. The Towne Green has been improved and citizens are enjoying world-class events. Sidewalk projects and a roundabout have been completed. Oak Road Park is complete and Briscoe Park Phase 3 improvements are underway along with a greenway trail to connect our new Towne Center with city and county. These are only a few of the accomplishments we have seen.

I have worked hard to unify our city, our council and our citizens. Snellville’s boards and authorities have more diversity then ever – ensuring that all communities in Snellville have a voice in our city. There is an excitement and spirit of collaboration everywhere I go.
We have made great strides, but our work is not done. We cannot afford to turn back now. We must keep the momentum going to ensure a bright and prosperous future for our city. Success doesn’t happen by accident – it requires the right leadership, bold vision and an unwavering commitment.
I believe I have the leadership skills, vision and commitment to serve you as your Mayor. My heart is here in Snellville and I ask for your support on November 5th.
Barbara Bender
Dave Emanuel
I am definitely running for re-election. Some people have made some very complimentary comments encouraging me to run for county and state offices, but the only reason I ran for city council the first time was to help our city progress and become an even better place to live and work. That’s still my focus. Since being elected to the council, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with other council members with similar concern for doing what’s best for the city and its citizens. Additionally, along with my wife Kathy, we’ve been able to turn “Give Hunger the Boot” from a concept to a reality that helps the Southeast Gwinnett Food Co-Op fulfill its mission of feeding hungry families in our community.
Earlier this year, I worked with city staff to create Snellville Clean & Proud, a litter clean-up and awareness program. It’s still in its infancy, but it’s already had a positive impact. During the next few years, I’ll continue working to expand it so we can be even more proud of our city. I’ll also keep working to expand Give Hunger the Boot and on the launch our new digital badge educational program that provides out-of-the-classroom opportunities that help people get jobs and promotions.

Of course, the town center is at the top of the list for future efforts. Along with several other council members, we have pushed for the creation of a truly unique town center that will be much more than a group of buildings. It will be dynamic, enjoyable and uniquely Snellville. Making sure this project fulfills its design promise is another of my motivations for running for re-election.
Dave Emanuel
Mayor Pro Tem
City of Snellville
Solange Destang
“I was prompted to run for the Snellville City Council Post 2 because I am very passionate about what is happening in our great city of Snellville and wish to make an even larger contribution. After living in several other countries, I have put down deep roots in our beautiful city of Snellville. I have watched closely the progress the present council has made and believe with my background and experience I have much to contribute. I very much want to make sure that all the cultures of our diverse community feel included and engaged. This is an exciting time in Snellville and I wish to be a part of all the wonderful changes to come.”

Brittany Marmol
“I want to serve the citizens of Snellville to be a good steward of their money, maintain the high level of services while keeping taxes low, and to be someone that they can come to with their issues. The city has went through a lot of changes in the ten years that we have lived here but the next four years are going to have many more. With the development of the Towne Center, I believe that it’s important to create a unique experience that draws people to the city while maintaining the community. I want to make sure that that happens. My experience both in government and finance have given me a deeper understanding of how a city functions and I can bring that as a council member.”
Brittany can be contacted at BrittanyforSnellville@gmail.com and more information can found at fb.me/BrittanyEMarmol.

Each of our candidates have Facebook pages that will be updated often and allow you to learn more about each of them.
Any other candidates that would like to make an announcement on The Snellvilletimes.com please email me at Steve@snellvilletimes,com and please include a picture, Thank you
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