Due to a variety of circumstances, including personal health issues, The Snellville Times hasn’t published any new articles for the past four years. However, we now have new personnel ready to bring you the latest in Snellville news. If you were previously a subscriber, you’ll receive notification for each new article that appears. If you’re not a subscriber, you can sign up at your convenience.
Since this is the first new article in some time, it’s fitting that we include a salute to Snellville’s 100th birthday. As you probably know by now, the 100th birthday was celebrated on August 19th. Part of that celebration included the unveiling of bronze statues of city founders Thomas Snell and James Sawyer on Friday, august 18th. Although Snellville wasn’t formally chartered as a city until 1923, Snell and Sawyer first traveled to the area in the 1870s and opened a store on the southwest corner of what is now the intersection of US Highway 78 and State Highway 124 in 1879. Since that time, Snellville has continued to grow and prosper.
Recently opened, The Grove at Snellville Towne Center brings a true “downtown” to the city. Named after the chestnut oak grove along Highway 78, which was the site of a variety of activities during the late 1800s and early 1900s, the new grove houses apartments and town homes along with the Elizabeth Williams county library, a Thrive co-working facility, restaurants and retail establishments. Across from The Grove on Wisteria Drive, Northside Hospital is constructing medical office buildings.
The Grove is an important first step to making Snellville an even more desirable place to call home.

I am sure that i am numbered among many elated to see this return to publication.